CX-50 GT Turbo Mazda 2024

4 vues
Kilométrage: 89 km
Inventaire # 31889 NIV 7MMVABDY4RN161742


89 km


GT Turbo






4 roues motrices








Sable de zircon métallisé

Couleur ext.

Terracotta avec piqûres orange

Couleur int.



2.5L TURBO 4cyl.


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En savoir plus sur ce modèle

Dilawri Group of Companies is Canada's largest automotive group with 76 franchised dealerships representing 35 automotive brands throughout Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Privately owned and operated by the Dilawri family since 1985, the company continues to expand its footprint in Canada, building on its history of excellence in the automotive industry. With more than 4,000 employees, Dilawri Group of Companies is proud to offer exceptional products and customer service in every dealership. Dilawri Group of Companies is not only a leader in the automotive industry but also a leader in the communities it serves. The Dilawri Foundation, established in 2002, has contributed millions of dollars throughout Canada supporting a variety of charitable causes.

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Dilawri Group of Companies is Canada's largest automotive group with 76 franchised dealerships representing 35 automotive brands throughout Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. Privately owned and operated by the Dilawri family since 1985, the company continues to expand its footprint in Canada, building on its history of excellence in the automotive industry. With more than 4,000 employees, Dilawri Group of Companies is proud to offer exceptional products and customer service in every dealership. Dilawri Group of Companies is not only a leader in the automotive industry but also a leader in the communities it serves. The Dilawri Foundation, established in 2002, has contributed millions of dollars throughout Canada supporting a variety of charitable causes.
  • 4 cylindres en ligne SKYACTIV-G de 2 5 T avec avec turbocompresseur à double volute i-stop
  • Turbo
  • Boîte automatique SKYACTIV-Drive à 6 vitesses avec mode manuel de passage des rapports
  • GT Turbo



10,4 L/100KM


8,2 L/100KM

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